


“Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology: A Pneumatological Christological Perspective,” Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy, Issue 20 (A&HC Index) (Forthcoming, 2015)

“Theology as theonome Systematik: On the continuity of Tillich’s theology,” Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (A&HC Index) Vol.43 (Autumn, 2015) (in Chinese)

“Trinitarian Symbolism, Mysticism and the God above God,” Bulletin The North American Paul Tillich Society, Winter 2015, Vol. XLI, No.1, pp.20-23.

“A Confucian-Kantian Response to Environmental Eco-centrism on Animal Equality,” co-authorized with Stephen Palmquist, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, (forthcoming, 2015)


Theological Humor: Barth, Tillich and Bultmann Fishing on Lake Geneva

Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann and Paul Tillich are taking a break together, fishing on Lake Geneva. They are having a lovely time, smoking their pipes, chatting idly.

It's hot and they are getting thirsty. So Karl Barth gets up, steps out of the boat, and walks across the water to the shore, gets some beers and returns.

It's quite hot so the beer doesn't last long. Barth tells Tillich: "your turn, Paul". Tillich gets up, steps outside the boat, walks across the water, and fetches some beer.

It is getting really hot now, and the beer is finished once again. Bultmann is beginning to sweat particularly profusely... and finally Barth asks him too: "Come on, Rudolf, your turn now." With a slight tremor in his knees, Bultmann gets up, steps out of the boat, and sinks like a stone. Fortunately he is a good swimmer; he drags himself back into the boat and sulks at the far end.

Tillich turns to Barth and says: "Do you think we should have told him where the stepping stones are?"

Barth looks at him in astonishment and replies: "What stones?"