


“Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology: A Pneumatological Christological Perspective,” Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy, Issue 20 (A&HC Index) (Forthcoming, 2015)

“Theology as theonome Systematik: On the continuity of Tillich’s theology,” Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (A&HC Index) Vol.43 (Autumn, 2015) (in Chinese)

“Trinitarian Symbolism, Mysticism and the God above God,” Bulletin The North American Paul Tillich Society, Winter 2015, Vol. XLI, No.1, pp.20-23.

“A Confucian-Kantian Response to Environmental Eco-centrism on Animal Equality,” co-authorized with Stephen Palmquist, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, (forthcoming, 2015)

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