

終於立下決心,跟 Y. 讀 CD,反正要研究他,順勢試試自已的功力!

不喜歡 Barth的,不會讀 CD,理由夠清楚的,要反對他,給他蓋頂帽子就可以,這是我們慣常的技量;

喜歡 Barth的,也不會讀 CD,要讚賞他也是蓋頂帽子就可以;

研究 Barth的,甚少真會讀 CD,反正二手資料多如汗牛充棟,幹嗎跟自已過不去,捧著14本 CD回家看,還有那些 small print,看著叫人懷疑是否真的巴特寫的? (怎能寫那麼多?)

Y 說當年讀巴特的 CD 把他從信仰的低谷中救拔出來,否則現在可能幹起其他別的了。Y 說 CD很難讀,(我真的讀了後,這話是真的!) 但讀過後,讀通後,就沒有什麼神學作品會讀不懂;正如讀懂海德格的 Sein und Zeit後也沒有什麼哲學作品會給難倒!

對一個讀 Tillich 讀了8年的人而言,讀 CD 是有點先天困難的;套用某教授的說法:差不多他說一句我就要批評一句!

無論如何,讀 CD,是要告訴自已和別人:我真的讀過 CD!其他的,以後再談。

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

Hi Keith,

Just surfed on in.

I happen to want to find something by Karl Barth to read. Have you any idea about where in HK can I borrow/browse/buy some English or Chinese translations of his works? Thanks in advance.

john the nameless monster

Theologian in the Boundary 說...

Hi, John the nameless monster,

Thanks for your visit.
Actually you can borrow a lot of books written Barth in two university's library, e.g. Chung Chi Library in Chinese University of Hong Kong and Baptist University's library. Also, you can buy them in some Christian bookstores in HK, e.g. Logos Publishers Co. in Mongkok. Actually, not many Barth's works had been translated into Chinese.

Keep in touch

匿名 說...


Thanks a lot for the info.

john the nameless monster