
Ultimate Concern: Paul Tillich, Buddhism, Confucianism Conference

1.      Duane OLSON, McKendree University
Tillich’s Two Methods in Context: Some Implications for Interreligious Understanding”
2.      LAI Pan Chiu, CUHK
Tillich’s Concept of Ultimate Concern and Buddhist-Christian Dialogue”  
3.      Francis YIP Ching Wah, CUHK
Another Religious Vindication of Democracy from a Christian Perspective? The Relevance of Paul Tillich to Our Situation.?”       
4.      Brandon LOVE, HKBU
Paul Tillich: Concerning Lessing’s Broad and Ugly Ditch”  
5.      WANG Tao, Hong Kong Holy Spirit Seminary
A Comparative Study of St. Thomas Aquinas’s and Paul Tillich’s Ideas of Love: In the Perspective of Agape-Eros and Philia”    
6.      Russell Re MANNING, Bath Spa University
Paul Tillich: East and West” 
7.      Stephen PALMQUIST, HKBU
Does Tillich Have a Hidden Debt to Kant?” 
8.      KWAN Kai Man, HKBU
Paul Tillich on the Relationship between Morality and Religion?”    
9.      Ellen ZHANG Ying, HKBU
When the Ground of Being Encounters Emptiness: Paul Tillich and Buddhism”
10.  AU Kin Ming, CUHK
Is “Ultimate Concern” a Useful Category for Inter-religious Dialogue?”   
11.  Andrew HUNG Tsz Wan, Poly U Community College
Tillich and Confucian on Religious Ethics”  
12.  Lauren PFISTER, HKBU
Tillich and Zhang Zhai”
13.  YANG Junjie, BNU
““Being Grasped': From Paul Tillich to T. C. Chao”
14.  Keith CHAN Ka Fu, HKBU
Pneumatological Sacramentality and Cosmic Human: Tillich, Orthodox Theology and Confucianism”   
15.  KWOK Wai Luen, HKBU
Where can Barthian and Tillichian Meet? An Analysis through Robert Jenson’s Christology”      
16.  William NG Yau Nang, HKBU

Lotus Children in Buddhism and Daoism: Reflection along the line of Tillich’s idea of Symbol”      
